Communiqué of the Consejo de Organizaciones Oaxaqueñas Autónomas (COOA)


Communiqué of the Consejo de Organizaciones Oaxaqueñas Autónomas (COOA)

To the people of Oaxaca

To the national and international public opinion

The Council of Autonomous Oaxacan Organizations (COOA) made up of the Committee in Defense of Indigenous Rights (CODEDI), Indigenous Organizations for Human Rights in Oaxaca (OIDHO), the Indigenous Campesino Union of Oaxaca Emiliano Zapata (UCIOEZ) and the National Union of Agricultural Workers (UNTA), organizations with decades of struggle and resistance in the towns of Oaxaca, considering:

That we live in a situation of national emergency because the current regime of Peña Nieto, owners of economic and political power, see the opportunity to carry out their neoliberal project through the so-called structural reforms taking advantage of the repressive bodies: military, marines, federal police, state police, paramilitary groups, and organized crime.

That the disappearance of 43 normalistas of Ayotzinapa is an example of the decomposition of the current Mexican political system, together with the upsurge in violence, of injustice and impunity, has resulted in social excess and examples of nonconformity in all of the regions of the country.

That an aggression without limits has been waged against the CNTE, by the state, since 1979 when they fought a dignified battle to defend their right of labor and public education, which has served as a reference and important backdrop for other struggles and resistances in the country.

That it is important to reconstruct, strengthen, and harness the social movements in the country—the struggle that liberates the thousands of families of the disappeared; the struggle that liberates the indigenous peoples in defense of our territories; the struggle of the campesino, worker, and popular movements against the neoliberal projects and their structural reforms, etc.

These struggles and resistances against the onslaught of those who hold power and money have left the toll of hundreds of political prisoners across the country, as is the case of our compañero César León Mendoza, member of UCIOEZ that was arbitrarily detained November 20th, 2015.

We call out to all of the social and popular organizations to reconstruct the social movement to reach freedom of our political prisoners and stop the project of death that the rich of the country and the world intend to impose on us with the support of the state governments and all political parties.

To authenticate the statement the organizations that make up the COOA agreed to install an indefinite encampment in the Zócalo of the city not only in solidarity with the dignified and just teachers struggle, but also to contribute to the unification and consolidation of the Oaxacan social movement. In that sense, we propose that the Oaxacan organizations convene a democratic state assembly where with horizontality and autonomy we can construct a common agenda of struggle that permits us to transform the unacceptable reality that we are living in.

End to state terrorism!

Liberty to the political prisoners!

Punishment to the assassins of Jeremías Mendoza Ramos!

Immediate and unconditional liberty to César León Mendoza!

End the repression!

Stop the criminalization of social protest!

No to the structural reforms!

For the defense of our rights and our territories, not one-step back!

The resistance of Oaxaca, June 6th, 2016

Poorly translated from the original here:

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